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Starting February 2025, Vertical Fusion is going to transition to a numbered leveling system that is more consistent with the major pole competitions and what seems to informally be an industry standard. This will also allow for our curriculum to be reorganized into slightly smaller chunks than what it is currently. Please bear with us as we implement this change across all locations and all platforms. Here are some resources for understanding what the changes are and how they impact our current students. 

Highlights of the major changes:


  • New Levels will consist of 

    • Intro​

    • Level 1

    • Level 2

    • Level 3

    • Level 4

    • Level 5

  • Intro is being expanded to include more spins and mounting for climbing

  • Level 1 will continue beginner spins, climbing the pole, and expanded floor/base moves

  • The bulk of Novice moves will be in Level 2

  • Level 3 will consist of upper level Novice moves and lower level Intermediate moves

  • Level 4 will consist of upper level Intermediate moves

  • Level 5 will consist of advanced level moves


Below is a visual representation of these changes and a FAQ for current students. As always, please contact us with any questions. 




New Pole Levels Graphic_final.jpg
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